HVAC Maintenance

9 Maintenance Tips To Get Your HVAC Ready For Spring

Most homeowners breathe a sigh of relief when spring comes around. Warmer seasons mean it’s time to put the winter coats away and have some fun in the sun. Yet, there are some extra chores that come along with spring, and not just spring cleaning. You also need to prepare your HVAC system for warmer weather, which is more important than most people realize. The best way to keep your HVAC system efficient and long-lasting is to do the following items in preparation for spring.

1. Run Your System Before it Gets Warmer

There’s no need to use a cooling system until the weather heats up. But if your system malfunctions the first time you use it in the spring, then you may be faced with a heat wave until someone can come to fix it. Therefore, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Run your HVAC system before spring arrives so you can schedule repairs in advance if needed.

2. Replace Dirty Filters

Dirty air filters are more than just a gross chore we have to complete. If an air filter gets covered with dirt, dust, and hair, it can get into your ducts and cycle around your house. This is a common reason for allergies acting up. Thankfully, that extra sneezing can be avoided if you check your filters frequently and replace them as needed, even more once spring comes along.

3. Clean the Area Around Your System

During the winter months, it’s possible that the wind might’ve blown dead plants, dirt, and debris around your outdoor HVAC system. These objects could affect the air quality inside your home, which is why you should take a look at your outdoor unit often. It’s recommended that you clean up your HVAC system a few times a year to avoid a debris buildup.

4. Clean the Air Ducts

Like filters, air ducts should also be checked on, even when the weather is cold. Dirt, dust, and debris can build up in ducts too, which is another instance where harmful objects could circulate into the air you breathe. It not only causes allergies, but it can also cause discomfort and potential lung problems.

5. Remove Obstructions Outside

Your unit should have plenty of open space around it outside. You shouldn’t allow any plants to grow within two feet of the unit and keep outdoor decorations away as well. A clear area will allow your heat pump to gather air easier, so it’s important to check to make sure nothing is obstructing your unit. If you plan on growing more plants, make sure they are a safe distance away so no vines, branches, or leaves will get in the way as the plant grows.

6. Seal Air Leaks in Your Home

A great way to ensure that your HVAC system works properly in the spring is to guarantee that the cool air stays inside. Walk around your home and check for any air leaks, such as the cracks between windows and doors. Sealing up these small openings can help keep warm air from creeping inside your home during warmer months.

7. Program Your Thermostat

It’s a good idea to program your thermostat ahead of time so it will cool down when the temperatures rise. Set the temperatures to fit your lifestyle. However, it’s a good idea to set the temperature a little higher on your cooling system when you’re not planning to be home.

8. Schedule Routine Maintenance

Having an HVAC specialist look at your system annually is a great way to prepare your HVAC for the spring. They can inspect it and clean it as needed to ensure that it runs as efficiently as possible. The best time to do this is before the warmer seasons begin since it can be a significant transition for your system. It’s better to have a professional look at your system regularly than to have to pay for expensive repairs further down the road instead.

9. Get a New System if Needed

Sometimes, you’ll need a new HVAC system as spring approaches. If your system is becoming noisier or not cooling your home like it used to, then it might be time for an upgrade. Consult an HVAC specialist about what new cooling systems will work best for your home in the spring and summer months.

Keeping your HVAC system running perfectly is the key to keeping your home comfortable. Westisle Heating & Cooling is happy to help you with everything you need to do to prepare your HVAC system for spring. Contact us today to find out how we can help keep your system as good as new.